Priyanka Joshi

Founder of Sanity Daily and Creator of the Therapeutic Journal.
Founder of Sanity Daily and Creator of the Therapeutic Journal.

Priyanka Joshi is a wellness entrepreneur, mental health blogger and podcaster. She launched Sanity Daily in 2019, a dedicated mental health space offering a well-researched blog and a self-improvement podcast. Sanity Daily has grown into a globally recognised platform, reaching readers in 110 countries with a monthly audience of over 12,000. The platform is listed among the top 10 mental health blogs globally and has been acknowledged as one of the best mental health websites with multiple awards and accolades. Priyanka is a trained mentor and a certified NLP practitioner, providing a safe anRead More...


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The Therapeutic Journal

Books by Priyanka Joshi

As a mother, you juggle roles and responsibilities, and often have little time for yourself. The Therapeutic Journal - a guided self-care journal offers you a much-needed me time to reconnect with yourself amidst the hustle of daily life. This is the first edition of The Therapeutic Journal and is specially designed for wellbeing of mothers. It is your safe space to express your thoughts, process your feelings, and find clarity and purpose in your journey.

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The Therapeutic Journal

Books by Priyanka Joshi

As a mother, you juggle roles and responsibilities, and often have little time for yourself. The Therapeutic Journal - a guided self-care journal offers you a much-needed me time to reconnect with yourself amidst the hustle of daily life. This is the first edition of The Therapeutic Journal and is specially designed for wellbeing of mothers. It is your safe space to express your thoughts, process your feelings, and find clarity and purpose in your journey.

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Broken & Beautiful

Books by Priyanka Joshi

Priyanka Joshi is a mental health blogger and poetries are cathartic to her, this book is a collection of 36 English poems, written over a span of 3 years, portraying the perils of holding on, letting go and all the things in between, things no one talks about. 

Priyanka Joshi is the founder of Sanity Daily, a mental health portal and "Broken and Beautiful" is the author's 4th published work. Writing gives hope and poems adds expression to the fee

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Books by प्रियंका

इंदौर में पली बड़ी हुई प्रियंका, पेशे से एक लेखक है जो कि मानसिक स्वास्थ्य जैसी बहुत ही संवेदनशील विषय पर अपनी कलम की ताक़त  से आवाज़ उठाती है. पिछले तीन सालों से वो इस विषय पर

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