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जीनियस और टैलेंट : सैम्युअल टेलर कॉलरिज की विचारदृष्टि

Books by मीना रामनारायण, संपादन- डॉ. काना राम मीना

रोमांटिक युग के सबसे प्रमुख कवियों में से एक सैमुअल टेलर कोलरिज न केवल एक साहित्यिक प्रतिभा थे, बल्कि एक गहन विचारक भी थे, जिनकी रचनात्मकता, कल्पना और मानवीय क्षमता पर चिंतन पाठक

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Books by लेखन- मीना रामनारायण, सम्पादन- अंशुल खरबन्दा

कविता लंबे समय से मानवीय विचार और भावना की गहन अभिव्यक्ति रही है, जो समय, संस्कृति और भाषा की सीमाओं को पार करती है। कवि-प्रतिभा या जन्मजात काव्य प्रतिभा की अवधारणा ने सभ्यताओं क

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Books by लेखन- मीना रामनारायण, सम्पादन- अंशुल खरबन्दा

कविता लंबे समय से मानवीय विचार और भावना की गहन अभिव्यक्ति रही है, जो समय, संस्कृति और भाषा की सीमाओं को पार करती है। कवि-प्रतिभा या जन्मजात काव्य प्रतिभा की अवधारणा ने सभ्यताओं क

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Future of School Education in India: Challenges and Possibilities

Books by Dr. Rajiv Kumar Singh, Ms. Anshul Kharbanda, Dr. R. N. Meena

In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the "Future of Schooling in India: Challenges and Possibilities" stands as both a compass and a manifesto, navigating the complexities that define the trajectory of education in one of the world's most populous nations. This volume is not merely a collection of essays; it is a comprehensive exploration, a dialogue, and a call to action for all those invested in shaping the educational landscape of India.


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Books by Anshul Kharbanda

In ancient India, educational administration was of utmost importance in spreading knowledge, morality and cultural heritage. It was distinguished by a large variety of systems that served as the bedrock of contemporary education.

Educational administration in ancient India was characterized by a decentralized system focused on holistic development, rooted in the teacher-student relationship and it played an important role in preserving and disseminati

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Value Education for Sustainable Wellbeing

Books by Anshul Kharbanda

This book describes the Value education in detail and explains how the goal of sustainable wellbeing is achieved. Values Education for Sustainable Well-Being is an essential aspect of fostering a society that not only promotes personal growth and happiness but also the well-being of the planet and future generations. This includes inculcating core values in the educational system that promote sustainable practices, environmental consciousness, social responsib

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Books by Meena Ram Narayan

Along with introducing the readers to the sublime elements of the Indian Knowledge Tradition, this novel is mainly concerned with the ideals that inspire in life. Readers of any age will not only get pleasure from this novel, but will also be able to communicate positive and enthusiasm towards work with many inspirational sayings.

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पीले परिधान वाली अद्भुत महिला

Books by मीना राम नारायण

यह उपन्यास पाठकों को भारतीय ज्ञान परंपरा के उदात्त तत्वों से परिचित करने के साथ साथ मुख्य रूप से जीवन में प्रेरित करने वाले आदर्शों से सरोबार है। किसी भी उम्र का पाठक इस उपन्यास

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