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Subrat SaurabhAuthor of Kuch Woh Pal‘Videh’ Arvind Kumar Born at a non-descript hamlet to a couple of modicum means yet endowed with higher ideals and noble intentions and having teaching as their profession, ‘Videh’ Arvind Kumar is a post-graduate in Physics and a senior banker - a retired one, that is. He has as his hobby the reading of literary books of both English and Hindi, particularly, those of Nobel laureates. He has been published in magazines like Kadambinee long back and other stray magazines and English papers. He has published books in both English and Hindi spanning multiple genre that include two EnglisRead More...
‘Videh’ Arvind Kumar
Born at a non-descript hamlet to a couple of modicum means yet endowed with higher ideals and noble intentions and having teaching as their profession, ‘Videh’ Arvind Kumar is a post-graduate in Physics and a senior banker - a retired one, that is. He has as his hobby the reading of literary books of both English and Hindi, particularly, those of Nobel laureates. He has been published in magazines like Kadambinee long back and other stray magazines and English papers.
He has published books in both English and Hindi spanning multiple genre that include two English translations: ‘Search for Life’, the English version of Hindi book ‘Hatyari Sadee Main Jeevan Kee Khoj’ by ‘Nirvikar’ Mukesh Kumar; and ‘Reality of Invisible’, that of Hindi poetry book ‘Adrishya Kaa Yathaarth’ by renowned poet ‘Ashwaghosh’ Om Prakash Sharma. Aside from these translations, he has published two English books based on critical appreciation and study: ‘Nagasaki: Bomb & Aftermath’ based on the first novel ‘A Pale View of Hills’ by 2017 Nobel Literature laureate, Kazuo Ishiguro; and ‘Procreation, the Adorable’ based on the study and appreciation of mythological volume ‘Shiv Puraan’ in the present contexts. Besides, five books of the long fiction series entitled ‘Hypocrisy & Reality’: ‘Book 1: Beyond the Pale’, ‘Book 2: In the Wilderness’, ‘Book 3: Advent of Time’, ‘Book 4: Devoid of Shelter’, ‘Book 5: Price of Refuge’ and ‘Book 6: Hatred towards Love’ have so far been published, with the rest to come to light in due course. ‘Bewailing Muse’, the anthology of English poems; ‘Chambellion’ and ‘Self-Styled Sovereign, the Judiciary’, the dramatic deliberations on contemporary topics; and ‘Brainy Beasts, the collection of short stories; are four other English books published by him.
In Hindi, apart from publishing ‘Ambedkar Smriti’ in the genre of drama; and a collection of prayers and inspiring excerpts from poetry ‘Praarthnaa Evam Praanaansh’, he has published three Katha-Sangrah (anthologies of short stories) entitled, respectively, ‘Anpadh Lipi’, ‘Paashaan-Yug’ and ‘Nisarg’; three anthologies of Hindi poems entitled ‘Aart Gaan’, ‘Kaal-krandan’ and ‘Ananubhoot Kaal’. He has also appreciated critically and editorially compiled the first epic of Khadee Bolee Hindi, the ‘Priya-Pravaas’ by legendary poet ‘Ayodhya Singh Upadhyay ‘Hari-audh’. Apart from this, he has published the erstwhile ancient chronicle as contained in the pioneering epic Raamaayan by the great sage Vaalmeeki, with the title ‘Mahaamuni Vaalmeeki Rachit Itihaas: Uttarkaand’.
‘विदेह’ अरविन्द कुमार
6 अप्रैल 1957 को जन्मे, एक छोटे से बसेरे से आए हुए, अत्यंत अभावग्रस्त माता-पिता की संतान जिन्हें खाने-कमाने का तो शऊर ख़ैर नहीं था किंतु जो उच्च आदर्शों के साथ जीते थे और व्यवसाय के नाम पर अध्यापन या ट्यूशन देकर आजीविका कमाने की कोशिश करते थे, ‘विदेह’ अरविन्द कुमार भौतिकी में स्नातकोत्तर हैं, साथ ही एक वरिष्ठ बैंकर भी रह चुके हैं। उनके शौक़ों में पढ़ाई - चाहे वह हिंदी साहित्य की हो, चाहे इंग्लिश लिटरेचर की, या कुछ-कुछ संस्कृत साहित्य की भी - मुख्य है; जिसमें वह विश्व-साहित्य को प्राथमिकता देते हैं। उनकी रचनाएँ तत्कालीन ‘कादम्बिनी’ जैसी लब्ध-प्रतिष्ठ पत्रिकाओं में काफ़ी पहले छप चुकी हैं; और उनके अन्य लेख एवं कविताएँ अन्य हिंदी, अंग्रेज़ी पत्र-पत्रिकाओं में यदा-कदा छपते रहे हैं।
विभिन्न विधाओं में वह कई ई-बुक्स एवं पेपरबैक बुक्स छाप चुके हैं जिनमें दो अंग्रेज़ी अनुवाद: ‘सर्च फ़ॉर लाइफ़’ जो कि ‘निर्विकार’ मुकेश कुमार की हिंदी काव्य-पुस्तक ‘हत्यारी सदी में जीवन की खोज’ का अंग्रेज़ी अनुवाद है, एवं ‘रीयलिटी ऑव इनविजिबल’ जो कि ‘अश्वघोष’ ओम प्रकाश की हिंदी काव्य-पुस्तक ‘अदृश्य का यथार्थ’ का अंग्रेज़ी अनुवाद है, भी शामिल हैं। इसके साथ ही, दो अध्ययन आधारित समीक्षा-पुस्तकें: 2017 के साहित्य नोबेल पुरस्कार विजेता, कज़ुओ इशिगरो, के प्रथम उपन्यास ‘अ पेल व्यू ऑव हिल्ज़’ पर आधारित ‘नागासाकी: बॉम्ब एंड आफ़्टरमैथ’, एवं पौराणिक ग्रंथ ‘शिव पुराण’ के आधुनिक संदर्भों में अध्ययन पर आधारित ‘प्रोक्रीएशन: द अडॉरबल’ अंग्रेज़ी में प्रकाशित की हैं। तथा, एक लम्बी अंग्रेज़ी उपन्यास-शृंखला ‘हिप्पोक्रिशी एंड रीयलिटी’ जिसके अभी तक पाँच सर्ग प्रकाशित हुए हैं: ‘बुक 1: बियोंड द पेल’, ‘बुक 2: विल्डर्नेस ऑव लिटरेसी’, ‘बुक 3: ऐड्वेंट ऑव टाइम’, ‘बुक 4: डिवॉइड ऑफ़ शेल्टर’, ‘बुक 5: प्राइस ऑफ़ रिफ़्यूज’ तथा ‘बुक 6: हैट्रेड टुवर्ड्स Read Less...
‘रामायण’ आदिकाव्य है, न केवल भारतवर्ष का, अपितु सकल मानव-समाज का भी। महर्षि वाल्मीकि कृत यह काव्य पुस्तक वस्तुतः तत्कालीन इतिहास है: उस राजवंश का, जिसकी कीर्ति हज़ारों वर्
‘रामायण’ आदिकाव्य है, न केवल भारतवर्ष का, अपितु सकल मानव-समाज का भी। महर्षि वाल्मीकि कृत यह काव्य पुस्तक वस्तुतः तत्कालीन इतिहास है: उस राजवंश का, जिसकी कीर्ति हज़ारों वर्ष पश्चात् भी आज तक अक्षुण्ण है। उस राजवंश के तत्कालीन यशस्वी सम्राट ‘राम’ का इसमें वर्णन है। राम-राज्य की व्यवस्था, जिसका वर्णन ऋषि ने किया है, आज भी शासन-व्यवस्था के हेतु आदर्श मानी जाती है।
लेखक ने संस्कृत और हिन्दी के ग्रंथ का मात्र सार रूप यहाँ प्रस्तुत किया है; सब प्रकार की काव्यात्मकता और अतिशयोक्तियों का निवारण करते हुए। साथ ही, आलंकारिकता को आधुनिक संदर्भों से जोड़ते हुए ऐतिहासिक-वैज्ञानिक अर्थों में भी विषय को समझाने का प्रयास किया है।
कितना यह किसको भाता है, यह तो हर व्यक्ति की अपनी-अपनी सोच पर निर्भर करेगा; बहरहाल लेखक ने अपना दृष्टिकोण प्रस्तुत किया है, वह भी इस दृष्टिकोण से कि नयी पीढ़ी अपनी बहुमूल्य विरासत – गौरवशाली इतिहास -- की ओर एकदम ध्यान नहीं दे रही है। उसका एक कारण ग्रथों का संस्कृत में होना, और अत्यधिक प्रतीकात्मक होने के कारण कपोल-कल्पित सा लगना, भी हो सकता है; उसी कारण का निवारण करने का यह विनीत प्रयास है।
‘प्रिय-प्रवास’ हिंदी -- खड़ी बोली -- का प्रथम महाकाव्य है जो स्वनाम धन्य महाकवि अयोध्या सिंह उपाध्याय ‘हरिऔध’ की अमर कृति है। अत्यंत सुमधुर काव्य के रूप मे
‘प्रिय-प्रवास’ हिंदी -- खड़ी बोली -- का प्रथम महाकाव्य है जो स्वनाम धन्य महाकवि अयोध्या सिंह उपाध्याय ‘हरिऔध’ की अमर कृति है। अत्यंत सुमधुर काव्य के रूप में युग-पुरुष श्रीकृष्ण के गोकुल से मथुरा प्रवास और उनके वियोग से व्यथित गोकुल-वासियों की विरह-वेदना का सरस चित्रण इसमें है। वह एक प्रकार से हर प्राणी की वेदना ही है जो वह उस समय अनुभव करता है जब कोई स्वजन प्रवास हेतु जाता है या प्रयाण करता है, जो कि संसृति का अपरिहार्य लक्षण ही है। आसक्ति, मोह और ममता सब दुःखों का मूल है; ज्ञान दुःखों से मुक्ति का साधन! इस महाआख्यान का यही सार अथच केंद्रीय संदेश समझ में आता है। ‘प्रिय-प्रवास’ विरह, बिछुड़ने की वेदना, नैसर्गिक प्रेम और विश्व-कल्याण के संदेश का ही महाकाव्यात्मक सरस रूप है। ‘विदेह’ अरविन्द कुमार ने इस अद्भुत साहित्यिक कृति को पुनर्संकलित एवं पुनर्मुद्रित करके इसकी एक संक्षिप्त गद्य कथा भी इसमें प्रस्तुत की है।
Procreation, the Adorable
The Shiv-ling has ever been a matter of amazement and mystery for mankind. That something obscure is there behind the adoration of such a carnal symbol as ling irrespective of the same being that of a deity called Shiv has ever been lingering in my mind. Why should a large majority of population in this land – from north to south - worship the genitals so openly, so brazenly? So reverently! Shiv is supposed to be
Procreation, the Adorable
The Shiv-ling has ever been a matter of amazement and mystery for mankind. That something obscure is there behind the adoration of such a carnal symbol as ling irrespective of the same being that of a deity called Shiv has ever been lingering in my mind. Why should a large majority of population in this land – from north to south - worship the genitals so openly, so brazenly? So reverently! Shiv is supposed to be a mythological persona, in existence too long back in time, who might have been the pioneer in realizing the spectacular qualities of ling and yoni, specifically, those of converting the sthaavar (the insensate) into jangam (the sensate) and those of creating the satva-lok, (conscious beings).
‘Hatred towards Love’, the sixth volume in the fiction series ‘Hypocrisy & Reality’ furthers the journey of the protagonist into the world where to his amusement he found himself catapulted into the realm of a celebrity or at least a child prodigy as far as the small rural catchment area was concerned. By virtue of his giftedness in the realm of studies and his bewitching countenance, the classmates, especially, the lasses of her
‘Hatred towards Love’, the sixth volume in the fiction series ‘Hypocrisy & Reality’ furthers the journey of the protagonist into the world where to his amusement he found himself catapulted into the realm of a celebrity or at least a child prodigy as far as the small rural catchment area was concerned. By virtue of his giftedness in the realm of studies and his bewitching countenance, the classmates, especially, the lasses of her age could not help restraining themselves from loving him; and they did it overtly, without caring for the opinions and feelings of other class-fellows. Though the protagonist wallowed in the faulty ideology that having any truck with fair sex was anathema and a great sin which could not be washed away in later life. However, that was not the only phenomenon taking place during this period; there were other umpteen number of interesting developments in the journey of life of the protagonist which would find place in this volume.
‘Hatred towards Love’, the sixth volume in the fiction series ‘Hypocrisy & Reality’ furthers the journey of the protagonist into the world where to his amusement he found himself catapulted into the realm of a celebrity or at least a child prodigy as far as the small rural catchment area was concerned. By virtue of his giftedness in the realm of studies and his bewitching countenance, the classmates, especially, the lasses of her
‘Hatred towards Love’, the sixth volume in the fiction series ‘Hypocrisy & Reality’ furthers the journey of the protagonist into the world where to his amusement he found himself catapulted into the realm of a celebrity or at least a child prodigy as far as the small rural catchment area was concerned. By virtue of his giftedness in the realm of studies and his bewitching countenance, the classmates, especially, the lasses of her age could not help restraining themselves from loving him; and they did it overtly, without caring for the opinions and feelings of other class-fellows. Though the protagonist wallowed in the faulty ideology that having any truck with fair sex was anathema and a great sin which could not be washed away in later life. However, that was not the only phenomenon taking place during this period; there were other umpteen number of interesting developments in the journey of life of the protagonist which would find place in this volume.
‘Price of Refuge’, the fifth volume in the fiction series ‘Hypocrisy & Reality’ furthers the journey of the protagonist into the world when he returns to his paternal relatives and finds to his dismay that his father is absolutely incapable of arranging a dwelling of his own. Also, he finds himself to be a mute subject to child abuse at the hands of none other than supposedly an elder cousin of his, the son of his so-called benef
‘Price of Refuge’, the fifth volume in the fiction series ‘Hypocrisy & Reality’ furthers the journey of the protagonist into the world when he returns to his paternal relatives and finds to his dismay that his father is absolutely incapable of arranging a dwelling of his own. Also, he finds himself to be a mute subject to child abuse at the hands of none other than supposedly an elder cousin of his, the son of his so-called benefactors who provided refuge in their vacant house. That was the price paid by the child for the indolence and handicaps of an unworthy father for seeking shelter under the tutelage of so-called relatives. Not only this, his sisters were abused too one by one by the same elder cousin nonchalantly – a paedophile as he was. No refuge seemingly looking innocuous goes without some price to be paid either by self, spouse or one’s children.
‘Price of Refuge’, the fifth volume in the fiction series ‘Hypocrisy & Reality’ furthers the journey of the protagonist into the world when he returns to his paternal relatives and finds to his dismay that his father is absolutely incapable of arranging a dwelling of his own. Also, he finds himself to be a mute subject to child abuse at the hands of none other than supposedly an elder cousin of his, the son of his so-called benef
‘Price of Refuge’, the fifth volume in the fiction series ‘Hypocrisy & Reality’ furthers the journey of the protagonist into the world when he returns to his paternal relatives and finds to his dismay that his father is absolutely incapable of arranging a dwelling of his own. Also, he finds himself to be a mute subject to child abuse at the hands of none other than supposedly an elder cousin of his, the son of his so-called benefactors who provided refuge in their vacant house. That was the price paid by the child for the indolence and handicaps of an unworthy father for seeking shelter under the tutelage of so-called relatives. Not only this, his sisters were abused too one by one by the same elder cousin nonchalantly – a paedophile as he was. No refuge seemingly looking innocuous goes without some price to be paid either by self, spouse or one’s children.
‘Devoid of Shelter’, the fourth volume in the long fiction series ‘Hypocrisy & Reality’ furthers the journey of the protagonist into the world where he discovered to his dismay that he had no place on the globe which he could call as his home; he had no place of his own where he could take shelter during the day, and during the night. He somehow makes do with seeking shelter with the relatives – maternal chiefly; not as a t
‘Devoid of Shelter’, the fourth volume in the long fiction series ‘Hypocrisy & Reality’ furthers the journey of the protagonist into the world where he discovered to his dismay that he had no place on the globe which he could call as his home; he had no place of his own where he could take shelter during the day, and during the night. He somehow makes do with seeking shelter with the relatives – maternal chiefly; not as a transitory phenomenon, but for good, until he himself took command of his life, snatching himself away from the indolent lifestyle of his parents. He also discovered during the refuge that however meritorious one might be, without the good base of ancestry, one is not considered as such. Roti, Kapdaa and Makaan are said to be the quintessence of life, of which, none was affordable to the protagonist during the regime of one’s parents.
‘Devoid of Shelter’, the fourth volume in the long fiction series ‘Hypocrisy & Reality’ furthers the journey of the protagonist into the world where he discovered to his dismay that he had no place on the globe which he could call as his home; he had no place of his own where he could take shelter during the day, and during the night. He somehow makes do with seeking shelter with the relatives – maternal chiefly; not as a t
‘Devoid of Shelter’, the fourth volume in the long fiction series ‘Hypocrisy & Reality’ furthers the journey of the protagonist into the world where he discovered to his dismay that he had no place on the globe which he could call as his home; he had no place of his own where he could take shelter during the day, and during the night. He somehow makes do with seeking shelter with the relatives – maternal chiefly; not as a transitory phenomenon, but for good, until he himself took command of his life, snatching himself away from the indolent lifestyle of his parents. He also discovered during the refuge that however meritorious one might be, without the good base of ancestry, one is not considered as such. Roti, Kapdaa and Makaan are said to be the quintessence of life, of which, none was affordable to the protagonist during the regime of one’s parents.
‘Beyond the Pale’ of Time & Space is the first volume of the long fiction series ‘Hypocrisy & Reality’ and as the name suggests, it deals with the timespan in the life of the protagonist when one had not even had a tryst with the concepts of Time and Space, nor did they make any difference in one’s life if those ubiquitous phenomena were not taken cognizance of. Those were the years before the realm of schooling, the a
‘Beyond the Pale’ of Time & Space is the first volume of the long fiction series ‘Hypocrisy & Reality’ and as the name suggests, it deals with the timespan in the life of the protagonist when one had not even had a tryst with the concepts of Time and Space, nor did they make any difference in one’s life if those ubiquitous phenomena were not taken cognizance of. Those were the years before the realm of schooling, the arena of perfect unconcern for the written letters, words, or numbers.
‘Beyond the Pale’ of Time & Space is the first volume of the long fiction series ‘Hypocrisy & Reality’ and as the name suggests, it deals with the timespan in the life of the protagonist when one had not even had a tryst with the concepts of Time and Space, nor did they make any difference in one’s life if those ubiquitous phenomena were not taken cognizance of. Those were the years before the realm of schooling, the a
‘Beyond the Pale’ of Time & Space is the first volume of the long fiction series ‘Hypocrisy & Reality’ and as the name suggests, it deals with the timespan in the life of the protagonist when one had not even had a tryst with the concepts of Time and Space, nor did they make any difference in one’s life if those ubiquitous phenomena were not taken cognizance of. Those were the years before the realm of schooling, the arena of perfect unconcern for the written letters, words, or numbers.
‘Advent of Time’ is the third volume in the long fiction series entitled ‘Hypocrisy & Reality’ and covers the schooling period when the protagonist discovers the phenomenon of Time, and also, figuratively he feels that it’s now his time, even as, he mysteriously discovers his latent potential and wisdom catapulting himself into the uppermost orbits of glory, fame and all round applause from his classmates, masters as well as teach
‘Advent of Time’ is the third volume in the long fiction series entitled ‘Hypocrisy & Reality’ and covers the schooling period when the protagonist discovers the phenomenon of Time, and also, figuratively he feels that it’s now his time, even as, he mysteriously discovers his latent potential and wisdom catapulting himself into the uppermost orbits of glory, fame and all round applause from his classmates, masters as well as teachers. To his own amazement as well as bewilderment! Nevertheless, this providential blessing is not without its blemishes in the shape of rancour and envy of fellow classmates and their patrons towards him. Even as, Nature never allows anybody pleasure and praise without at the same time associating with them the equivalent amount of pain and back-biting!
‘Advent of Time’ is the third volume in the long fiction series entitled ‘Hypocrisy & Reality’ and covers the schooling period when the protagonist discovers the phenomenon of Time, and also, figuratively he feels that it’s now his time, even as, he mysteriously discovers his latent potential and wisdom catapulting himself into the uppermost orbits of glory, fame and all round applause from his classmates, masters as well a
‘Advent of Time’ is the third volume in the long fiction series entitled ‘Hypocrisy & Reality’ and covers the schooling period when the protagonist discovers the phenomenon of Time, and also, figuratively he feels that it’s now his time, even as, he mysteriously discovers his latent potential and wisdom catapulting himself into the uppermost orbits of glory, fame and all round applause from his classmates, masters as well as teachers. To his own amazement as well as bewilderment! Nevertheless, this providential blessing is not without its blemishes in the shape of rancour and envy of fellow classmates and their patrons towards him. Even as, Nature never allows anybody pleasure and praise without at the same time associating with them the equivalent amount of pain and back-biting!
‘Wilderness of Literacy’ is the second volume in the long fiction series ‘Hypocrisy & Reality’ and, as the name suggests, it takes the protagonist in the arena of letters, words, and numbers: the realm of what we call the 'literacy'. The experience of a child while treading this seemingly dreaded as well as untrodden landscape is nothing short of venturing into a wilderness; of course, led and mentored first by one’s parent
‘Wilderness of Literacy’ is the second volume in the long fiction series ‘Hypocrisy & Reality’ and, as the name suggests, it takes the protagonist in the arena of letters, words, and numbers: the realm of what we call the 'literacy'. The experience of a child while treading this seemingly dreaded as well as untrodden landscape is nothing short of venturing into a wilderness; of course, led and mentored first by one’s parents and thereafter invariably by their preceptors -- the masters -- all of whom have a tremendous amount of impact on the future human being that emerges from their inputs given and endeavours made towards making a man, the humanity.
‘Wilderness of Literacy’ is the second volume in the long fiction series ‘Hypocrisy & Reality’ and, as the name suggests, it takes the protagonist in the arena of letters, words, and numbers: the realm of what we call the 'literacy'. The experience of a child while treading this seemingly dreaded as well as untrodden landscape is nothing short of venturing into a wilderness; of course, led and mentored first by one’s parent
‘Wilderness of Literacy’ is the second volume in the long fiction series ‘Hypocrisy & Reality’ and, as the name suggests, it takes the protagonist in the arena of letters, words, and numbers: the realm of what we call the 'literacy'. The experience of a child while treading this seemingly dreaded as well as untrodden landscape is nothing short of venturing into a wilderness; of course, led and mentored first by one’s parents and thereafter invariably by their preceptors -- the masters -- all of whom have a tremendous amount of impact on the future human being that emerges from their inputs given and endeavours made towards making a man, the humanity.
‘प्रिय-प्रवास’ हिंदी -- खड़ी बोली -- का प्रथम महाकाव्य है जो स्वनाम धन्य महाकवि अयोध्या सिंह उपाध्याय ‘हरिऔध’ की अमर कृति है। अत्यंत सुमधुर काव्य के रूप मे
‘प्रिय-प्रवास’ हिंदी -- खड़ी बोली -- का प्रथम महाकाव्य है जो स्वनाम धन्य महाकवि अयोध्या सिंह उपाध्याय ‘हरिऔध’ की अमर कृति है। अत्यंत सुमधुर काव्य के रूप में युग-पुरुष श्रीकृष्ण के गोकुल से मथुरा प्रवास और उनके वियोग से व्यथित गोकुल-वासियों की विरह-वेदना का सरस चित्रण इसमें है। वह एक प्रकार से हर प्राणी की वेदना ही है जो वह उस समय अनुभव करता है जब कोई स्वजन प्रवास हेतु जाता है या प्रयाण करता है, जो कि संसृति का अपरिहार्य लक्षण ही है। आसक्ति, मोह और ममता सब दुःखों का मूल है; ज्ञान दुःखों से मुक्ति का साधन! इस महाआख्यान का यही सार अथच केंद्रीय संदेश समझ में आता है। ‘प्रिय-प्रवास’ विरह, बिछुड़ने की वेदना, नैसर्गिक प्रेम और विश्व-कल्याण के संदेश का ही महाकाव्यात्मक सरस रूप है। ‘विदेह’ अरविन्द कुमार ने इस अद्भुत साहित्यिक कृति को पुनर्संकलित एवं पुनर्मुद्रित करके इसकी एक संक्षिप्त गद्य कथा भी इसमें प्रस्तुत की है।
‘रामायण’ आदिकाव्य है, न केवल भारतवर्ष का, अपितु सकल मानव-समाज का भी। महर्षि वाल्मीकि कृत यह काव्य पुस्तक वस्तुतः तत्कालीन इतिहास है: उस राजवंश का, जिसकी कीर्ति हज़ारों वर्
‘रामायण’ आदिकाव्य है, न केवल भारतवर्ष का, अपितु सकल मानव-समाज का भी। महर्षि वाल्मीकि कृत यह काव्य पुस्तक वस्तुतः तत्कालीन इतिहास है: उस राजवंश का, जिसकी कीर्ति हज़ारों वर्ष पश्चात् भी आज तक अक्षुण्ण है। उस राजवंश के तत्कालीन यशस्वी सम्राट ‘राम’ का इसमें वर्णन है। राम-राज्य की व्यवस्था, जिसका वर्णन ऋषि ने किया है, आज भी शासन-व्यवस्था के हेतु आदर्श मानी जाती है।
लेखक ने संस्कृत और हिन्दी के ग्रंथ का मात्र सार रूप यहाँ प्रस्तुत किया है; सब प्रकार की काव्यात्मकता और अतिशयोक्तियों का निवारण करते हुए। साथ ही, आलंकारिकता को आधुनिक संदर्भों से जोड़ते हुए ऐतिहासिक-वैज्ञानिक अर्थों में भी विषय को समझाने का प्रयास किया है।
कितना यह किसको भाता है, यह तो हर व्यक्ति की अपनी-अपनी सोच पर निर्भर करेगा; बहरहाल लेखक ने अपना दृष्टिकोण प्रस्तुत किया है, वह भी इस दृष्टिकोण से कि नयी पीढ़ी अपनी बहुमूल्य विरासत – गौरवशाली इतिहास -- की ओर एकदम ध्यान नहीं दे रही है। उसका एक कारण ग्रथों का संस्कृत में होना, और अत्यधिक प्रतीकात्मक होने के कारण कपोल-कल्पित सा लगना, भी हो सकता है; उसी कारण का निवारण करने का यह विनीत प्रयास है।
Procreation, the Adorable
The Shiv-ling has ever been a matter of amazement and mystery for mankind. That something obscure is there behind the adoration of such a carnal symbol as ling irrespective of the same being that of a deity called Shiv has ever been lingering in my mind. Why should a large majority of population in this land – from north to south - worship the genitals so openly, so brazenly? So reverently! Shiv is supposed to be
Procreation, the Adorable
The Shiv-ling has ever been a matter of amazement and mystery for mankind. That something obscure is there behind the adoration of such a carnal symbol as ling irrespective of the same being that of a deity called Shiv has ever been lingering in my mind. Why should a large majority of population in this land – from north to south - worship the genitals so openly, so brazenly? So reverently! Shiv is supposed to be a mythological persona, in existence too long back in time, who might have been the pioneer in realizing the spectacular qualities of ling and yoni, specifically, those of converting the sthaavar (the insensate) into jangam (the sensate) and those of creating the satva-lok, (conscious beings).
Self-Styled Sovereign, the Judiciary
This is in fact an academic deliberation on the functioning and reality of the judicial system prevalent in India post what they call ‘Independence’. Whose Independence was it anyway? For whom? Except for the ruling class? The lawyers first, and then the hooligans of Chambal. Nonetheless, the judiciary of the free country turned out to be one step further than its new crop of leaders; they
Self-Styled Sovereign, the Judiciary
This is in fact an academic deliberation on the functioning and reality of the judicial system prevalent in India post what they call ‘Independence’. Whose Independence was it anyway? For whom? Except for the ruling class? The lawyers first, and then the hooligans of Chambal. Nonetheless, the judiciary of the free country turned out to be one step further than its new crop of leaders; they usurped the entire authority from the latter in subtle moves one after the other. In olden epochs, the autocratic Sultaans or Baadshaahs dispensed justice purely depending upon their whims and fancies which were incidental to the moods and tantrums of the Sovereign. Historically as well, the Real Sovereign is the one who dispenses justice. The Judiciary in Indian Republic soon realised it.
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