Jessica Mary Shulver

Jessica Shulver is a 28 year old Artist, Alchemist, Mother and Multi Niched Creative, who is also an ex-alcoholic and Recovering Addict who uses movement and artwork, now writing and other mediums to transmute energy and transform her own life, time and time again. She is a long-term Choreographer, Dancer, Painter, Budding Sculptor and Motivational Speaker, Philanthropist and now Author. She believes that Energy is the main currency on Earth and that putting her heart out to her own inner child may benefit someone else out there.Read More...


Two Pieces of One

Books by Jessica Mary Shulver

"A journey of the magical child in society, who eventually questions whether authenticity and individuality was actually worth it... A light may be dimmed but never extinguished."

The journey from childhood to adulthood comes with many challenges and hurdles. The  journey home to the Self and The Great Awakening comes with inherent inner child work, questioning of our paths and often rebirth and reinvention as well as alignm

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