Sonam Chombay


Sonam Chombay, a dedicated civil servant for over 21 years, has expertise in Revenue, Finance, Tourism, IT, Hydropower, and Aviation. Hailing from the picturesque Tawang district of Arunachal Pradesh, he is Monpa by birth and proudly identifies as an Arunachalee. His career spans multiple sectors and reflects a strong commitment to public service. Sonam has an equally eclectic academic background. After leaving dentistry, he studied literature at Hindu College, Delhi University, and earned a Master’s in Regional Development from JNU. He has also attended programs at the Indian School of BusiRead More...


In Between the Blurry Lines

Books by Sonam Chombay

What happens when a remote, wild frontier becomes the centre of an international power play? In Between The BLURRY Lines pulls back the curtain on Arunachal Pradesh, a place where ancient tribes, colonial ambitions, and modern politics collide. This isn't just a history lesson. It's a deep dive into 14 moments that shaped a land few truly understand. From the drawing of the contested McMahon Line to the pulse of a post-earthquake revival, these stories will ha

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In Between the Blurry Lines

Books by Sonam Chombay

What happens when a remote, wild frontier becomes the centre of an international power play? In Between The BLURRY Lines pulls back the curtain on Arunachal Pradesh, a place where ancient tribes, colonial ambitions, and modern politics collide. This isn't just a history lesson. It's a deep dive into 14 moments that shaped a land few truly understand. From the drawing of the contested McMahon Line to the pulse of a post-earthquake revival, these stories will ha

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