"Roots and Resilience" is a factual and emotional tribute to Surendra Nath Pathak, whose life paralleled a nation at the cusp of independence. Born in the serene town of Ramnagar, Uttarakhand, his journey is set against the struggles of pre- independence India, weaving through personal and familial growth.
This memoir captures the rich cultural and historical essence of his life, from managing the family shop to his bold travels and active involvement i
"Roots and Resilience" is a factual and emotional tribute to Surendra Nath Pathak, whose life paralleled a nation at the cusp of independence. Born in the serene town of Ramnagar, Uttarakhand, his journey is set against the struggles of pre- independence India, weaving through personal and familial growth.
This memoir captures the rich cultural and historical essence of his life, from managing the family shop to his bold travels and active involvement i