Thomas Kannattumadom

Aerospace Industry Experienced Auditor, Trainer and Consultant
Aerospace Industry Experienced Auditor, Trainer and Consultant

Thomas Kannattumadom is an Aerospace Industry Experienced Auditor, Trainer and Consultant; Lead Auditor for AS 9100 certification in various businesses; and External Faculty at the HAL Management Academy. Over the past ten years, he has conducted more than 700 audits and 150 training programs in India and abroad for the aerospace industry, after serving the Indian govt certification organisation DRDO/DGAQA for nearly 30 years. He was the technical lead in several defect and accident investigations of aircraft/aero-engines, systems/ components special study/audit teams of Indian Air Force and MRead More...


Reflections and Revelations: The Later Years

Books by Thomas Kannattumadom

These are the memoirs of a 78-year-old ordinary man from Kerala, India. When COVID-19 brought the world to a halt, his memories began to race back over the years. Confined to the four walls of his house in Bangalore, separated from his friends, colleagues, and family members all over the world, he took the opportunity to retrace his paths over the years, revisit his choices, and reflect on the people and places that influenced him - all to share with his child

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Beginnings and Breakthroughs

Books by Thomas Kannattumadom

These are the memoirs of a 78-year-old ordinary man from Kerala, India. When COVID-19 brought the world to a halt, his memories began to race back over the years. Confined to the four walls of his house in Bangalore, separated from his friends, colleagues, and family members all over the world, he took the opportunity to retrace his paths over the years, revisit his choices, and reflect on the people and places that influenced him - all to share with his child

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Reflections and Revelations: The Later Years

Books by Thomas Kannattumadom

These are the memoirs of a 78-year-old ordinary man from Kerala, India. When COVID-19 brought the world to a halt, his memories began to race back over the years. Confined to the four walls of his house in Bangalore, separated from his friends, colleagues, and family members all over the world, he took the opportunity to retrace his paths over the years, revisit his choices, and reflect on the people and places that influenced him - all to share with his child

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Beginnings and Breakthroughs

Books by Thomas Kannattumadom

These are the memoirs of a 78-year-old ordinary man from Kerala, India. When COVID-19 brought the world to a halt, his memories began to race back over the years. Confined to the four walls of his house in Bangalore, separated from his friends, colleagues, and family members all over the world, he took the opportunity to retrace his paths over the years, revisit his choices, and reflect on the people and places that influenced him - all to share with his child

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