Anish Kuriakose

Pendragon is from Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh. Ranxus: Wingblade Unleashed is his first book. Japanese Anime and Hollywood movies were his inspirations to write this book.Read More...



Books by Pendragon

In the post-apocalyptic Earth, humanity has reached the door of extinction. Earth's core has become unstable and split into two. The only hope are the two kingdoms Ranxus and Ruzone.  These two kingdoms are keeping the unstable energies of the core at bay and preventing it from exploding. Secrets reveal that the core of the universe had become unstable. Unable to keep the evil spirit named Eraser of the core at bay, the good spirit of the core named Eternal h

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Books by Pendragon

In the post-apocalyptic Earth, humanity has reached the door of extinction. Earth's core has become unstable and split into two. The only hope are the two kingdoms Ranxus and Ruzone.  These two kingdoms are keeping the unstable energies of the core at bay and preventing it from exploding. Secrets reveal that the core of the universe had become unstable. Unable to keep the evil spirit named Eraser of the core at bay, the good spirit of the core named Eternal h

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