Rajeev Sikka

  Mr. Rajeev Sikka is a well-known pianist, performer and musician with over thirty years of experience in the world of music. Once a banker with the Bank of America, he left a prospectively lucrative career in favour of pursuing his passion for the musical realm. While a large part of his learning was self-taught, he was also under the tutelage of Sir Vishwas Vurghese and Sir John Raphael at the Delhi School of Music. He has brought the joy of Hindi music through the piano and spread the love of music in many a family. His accomplishments are many. He has his own band that performs at corpoRead More...


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Books by Rajeev Sikka

After the outstanding success of 'Bollywood Piano Instrumentals', Rajeev is back with a masterpiece sequel. Brilliant Sheet Music arrangements for Bollywood Music Enthusiasts (Pianists, Violinists & Saxophonists) with simplified Keys, Preludes and the interludes to a great extent for the convenience of the players and to make their musical journey enjoyable and worthwhile.

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Bollywood Piano Instrumentals

Books by Rajeev Sikka

A Bank-American turned musician, a splendid artist and a revered teacher who keeps the spirit of music in his heart, with many accomplishments to his credit such as CDs recorded under the umbrella of TIMES MUSIC COMPANY and T-Series. Here he crosses yet another milestone in his journey of musical pursuit and explores his penchant and gift for writing music in notation form. This book unveils brilliant sheet music arrangements for Bollywood music enthusiasts wi

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