Ranveer Choudhary


The author, Ranveer Choudhry's intentions with Books (Khopdi , The Earth Time Machine ) is to wake people up. He got the enlightenment to write this book from holy places in his homeland. He wanted to be a doctor; his parents wanted him to become an engineer. Instead, he turned into a writer. He dedicates this book to the universe, to nature, to the elements. Currently in Gaya, Bihar, one of the spiritual centers in India, the author felt this super natural power. This happened when he was traveling and sometimes, at night, he felt a bad energy and sometimes, he sensed a good energy. He believRead More...


एक छिपी तस्वीर

Books by रणवीर चौधरी ( खिमेन्द्र )

मोबाइल के दूसरे तरफ से हँसते और मुस्कराते हुए हँसी की आवाज निकाली : हा हूं हूँ , खो खो खासते और हँसते हुए और फिर फोन कट कर दी। फिर सभी थोड़े ही दिन में ईश्वर की दुआ से ठीक हो गए और वापस अ

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पृथ्वी समय यन्त्र

Books by चौथा आयाम

समय यन्त्र का निर्माण सम्भव है अथवा नही यह तो एक रोचक चर्चा का विषय है।मगर इस ब्रह्मांड में एक सर्वशक्तिमान तकनीकों से सम्पन्न एक प्रकाश युक्त एक दिव्यमान शक्ति है,जिसका संचालन

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Books by

Man needs his Khopdi for anything he does. He is nothing without it. The brain does so much work, yet it's memory chip never gets full. The reason? A super natural power that controls everything. Any object that is unused, becomes useless. The sun rises, the earth rotates and revolves, people live, animal kingdoms emerge and evolve. How and why? Because everything is monitored.

The human brain is always emitting and getting energy. There is an unknown c

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