robert isenberg

The author has had many careers. In the book 'Wham, Bam, NYC in the Roaring Sixties", Robert tells of crating Robert's Fairly Famous Roast Beef Sandwiches sold in a jumping singles bar in the roaring Sixties. Robert then went on to design hundreds of shoes & boots eventually in his office in Shang Hai called Right Stuff. After selling his business he went to work for a group of Gatehouse Newspapers. He wrote a humor column for the newspapers for five years. Robert then composed this book called "Why Men Are Suspicious of Yoga Some Funny Stories & Some Not So Funny "using some of the pieces he Read More...


Why Men are Suspicious of Yoga

Books by Robert "robear" Isenberg

“robear’s” sharp wit and humor came through very clearly in these essays. This helps those of us who live in the rarefied suburbs to laugh at the absurdities of life. I particularly enjoyed the refrigerator who got a driver’s license from the Registry. It’s entirely believable.- Shrikant Madhukar Raut

Loved this book!! It’s a funny but gentle commentary on real people and their struggles to make sense of an absurd world, which

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