Sapna Shivani Kekre


UBI – ‘UNITED BY INK’ (A global platform connecting creative minds) is an international forum. UBI has a thriving community of nearly 10000 creative minds across all social media handles where creativity expresses itself in different forms. We have avid readers, passionate writers and authors, artists including painters and photographers who are ready to take up different challenges. We host a free blogging platform for writers and creative souls which acts as their window to the world. We have to our credit published four anthologies where more than 150 writers have been given an opportRead More...


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Health Warriors and Survivors

Books by Sapna Shivani Kekre

“Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.”

 – Maya Angelou

Life seems perfect until we feel imperfect. We try to escape and numb out of the tough situations. Health Warriors and Survivors addresses the physical, mental and emotional aspects of life through 11 such real stories. The authors share real-life, spine-chilling experiences, offering insight on life's struggles and how they can be conquered if we don't lose

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आभासी दुनिया के अनोखे रिश्ते

Books by संकलनकर्ता - सपना केकरे (शिवानी) संस्थापक - यूनाइटेड बाई इंक

डिजिटल दुनिया के महत्व को इस दौरान सबसे ज़्यादा महसूस किया जा सकता है, जब कोरोना COVID -19 महामारी के कारण लगभग पूरी दुनिया थम सी गई है। इस पुस्तक को केवल इसी डिजिटल तकनीक की सहायता से &nb

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Lost and Found in the Digital Era

Books by Compiled & Edited By Sapna Kekre, Founder - United By Ink

The digital world is truly a blessing, helping us connect with people from all over the world without even leaving our couch at home. The importance of social media can be felt especially now during an almost worldwide lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It was only made possible to publish this book thanks to the technology available, where we could continue to work from home and bring this book to life digitally. 

However, the digital world h

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Oas ki Boondein

Books by

Emotions are a part of our life & associated with the feelings at every stage of life. So come take a dip into this world of emotions, feel the surge of love’s currents take over your heart. Let the bittersweet nostalgia of childhood memories envelope you. Take a step back and enjoy the little things in life - all through the poems in Oas Ki Boondein.

In these simple poems, you can explore the poetess' own raw emotions through life as an ordinary

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