Ravi Joshi

The author has lived and worked in many countries across the globe. He has experienced the local flavor of life in every country that he has lived in, making him knowledgeable about the languages, customs, traditions, belief systems and foods of the local people. A person of gregarious and outgoing nature, he has had extensive interaction with people from various strata of society in the countries he has lived and visited during the last 30 years. This has enabled him to make the scene come alive on paper. An avid reader of ancient history, the author has penned various short stories based on Read More...


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The Deep State Games

Books by Sigma Tramps

 The American Deep State that has its roots in the late 19th century secret society that aimed at widening the circle of influence of the trans-Atlantic, Anglo-Saxon power centers, England and America, has today evolved into a massive behemoth with immeasurable power, that brings about major upheavals in the world, almost at will. They have taken the art of subversion to a new height by engineering regime change operations through movements that are powered b

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The Espionage Games

Books by Sigma Tramps

The story based on the real events depicts 40 years of quagmire of corrupt, treacherous, uncouth world created by the world’s top “Intelligence Agencies”, who have been waging war across the globe, to achieve their selfish motives and satisfy their ego. 

The saga starts with the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in 1980 and ends with the demoralized exit of the US from Afghanistan in 2021. The gripping tale moves swiftly from the deadly mountains

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ब्रीदिंग वॉल्स

Books by देशी फिरंगी

भिंती पलिकडचं जग हा नेहमीच एक कुतुहलाचा विषय असतो. सगळ्यांनीच आपल्या भोवती एक आभासी भिंत बांधून घेतलेली असते. फार निवडक लोकांना त्या भिंतीच्या आत यायला परवानगी असते. त्यामुळे

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On That Stormy Night

Books by Sigma Tramps

On That Stormy Night is a collection of ten stories taking place in different places in India during different periods. The stories will take you on a wonderful journey from the breathtaking beauty of the Southern Ghats of Karnataka to the beaches of Goa, from the backwaters of Kerala to Saudi Arabia and from the buzzing streets of Mumbai to the highlands of Scotland. The stories will unfold before your eyes with unexpected turns, adventure, suspense, m

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A Walk in the Woods

Books by Sigma Tramps

This book will take you on a journey across various continents, from Europe to Africa, from the Far East to the Americas. Sitting at home, you will be able to witness the unfolding of a spectrum of drama, suspense, thriller, mystery, love and emotions unfolding in various periods; Algeria in the 1800s, Britain during and post WWII, the Cold War era to the current US and so on.

It is like enjoying a walk in the woods on a sunny morning, witnessing the be

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The Inevitable

Books by Sigma Tramps

President Li Fung, like Hitler, grew up in abject poverty in China and struggled his way up in the tightly state-controlled armed forces of the PRC. He now wants complete control over the world’s natural resources and to make China an “Empire”. 

It is 2026. Li Fung leaves no stone unturned to bring the world’s top countries to their knees and activates plans to paralyze their economy, infrastructure, and armed forces by discreetly deploying bio

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