
Her dream: Her passion
Y V Anand Sagar
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She was always at the losing end. But, she had a strong dream and passion to succeed. However, circumstances were such that she had almost come to believe she was born to lose. She even lost a year in school. For many years she stumbled from one road block to another and dithered in the woods. Would success smile on her? Would God covert her life from born to lose to born to win.?. She would always believe the answer to be in the negative. She joined a sales job at the starting point of her career. However, she was unsatisfied with it, moved on and soon was done with it. Success so stonewalled her that ever her family, friends and acquaintances became as hostile to her and her life as circumstances were. Even in the sales job she had come to believe lady luck and lady success would get together and turn the tide for her. But, alas, that was not to be and soon the sales job was dead as a dodo. Then, came a medical transcription job. She thought "Yes!, this was finally IT" But, soon she realized even this was lady luck's choicest of curses especially reserved for her. So, she soon realized these two jobs at the start of her career were God's way of showing her her place in life. Then, she was struck with a medical problem. BAM!, BAM!, BAM! All these road blocks in her measly and miserable life were triple whammies. Soon, however, by God's grace, she overcame her medical problem. Then, she joined a cushy MNC bank, Deutsch Bank job. So, THIS was what it was all about. But, then, she encountered an uncooperative boss and soon, however, even this was history. Now, she encountered family opposition. Her family was getting fed up with her. After this she joined Columbia Asia in Bangalore as a medical intern and banking on her medical transcription expertise she came to believe, yes!, this was lady luck's way of smiling on her. Alas, no!, no!, no! even this was soon part of her long list of what life had in store for her. Now, she was getting on the wrong side of age. She was in her mid-thirties. When would lady luck finally smile on her? Oh!, when?, when?, when?. Finally, however, slowly the tide began to turn for her and soon as they say either God gives everything or nothing He began to give her everything. She did a course in Mass Communication and landed a job as a journalist with Times of India and slowly over time metamorphosized into a writer and Author. Concurrently, she joined a A1 level in German and walked away with the honors securing 81%, A grade. She moved on and did A2, B1 and B2 equally well and joined a part-time job as a German translator. Now, as with her career things began to change on her personal front too and she became a darling of her family, friends and acquaintances. A feast to the eyes!. A treat to the eyes!. Her enemies and other naysayers became friends and went gaga over her. Hooray!, Hooray!, Hooray!, her life finally changed and she had became a success and was victorious!!!. Things started becoming even better and better and better and soon she won 10 awards as a journalist and an author!!! Now all her friends, enemies and acquaintances were agreed on fact and that was that she had will power and could be shown as an example for others in similar situation. BUT, don't for a moment presume this was all. Even better things were in store for her. She enrolled in a French, Russian and Mandarin Chinese courses and walked away with the honors there too securing 90% marks, A+ grade. Regarding her linguistic abilities it should be borne in mind that she are some of the toughest languages in the world. Soon, she enrolled in an Office Automation course with Aptech now kenpro learning and dialed up and aced it with distinction in hardware and first class in software and came up all aces and trumps. Along with all these different and varied achievements she won the 1st Prize in a Space(about rockets and satellites) Quiz and a 2nd prize in an inter-organization quiz competition-gift voucher for Shopper's Stop to add to the composite mix. She also participated in the related essay competition. Now, aged 50 years she joined a MNC bank, ANZ Grindlays helmed by Shayne Elliot, moved up the managerial hierarchy finally replacing him and moved to New Zealand, the bank's headquarters commanding a six figure salary. So, she finally became a banker and then she joined IBM becoming renowned in international managerial circles among her peers. Then, further awards started coming her way and she was awarded the Padmashri, then the Padma Bhushan capping and topping it with a Lifetime Achievement award. Finally!, Finally!, Finally! she, the under dog had become a success!!!. Hooray!!!, Hooray!!!, Hooray!!! A Born to Lose to a Born to Win!!!.

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Great effort and expression. Keep going.

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πŸ‘ ❀️ πŸ‘ πŸ’‘ πŸŽ‰

Great effort and expression ..keep going.

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πŸ‘ ❀️ πŸ‘ πŸ’‘ πŸŽ‰

Very good story

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Good positive projection

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What an inspiring story! Amazing

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Beautiful story\nSagar, you are awesome

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Very nice

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Simply superb. Anand Sagar at his best

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Love the story!

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Very inspiring

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Excellent narration of a wonderful success story. Very inspiring. More power.

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Fine story.

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