
Nobody Dies
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Sallow mansion was a truly ostentatious place. The grounds were sprawling with lavish topiaries reminiscent of Greek statues and a grandiose creamy white porcelain fountain sat center stage, with a woman pouring water from a strange jug with a narrow mouth and a flared base. The mansion itself was a testament to American greed and British stuffiness. If there are words to describe such houses, Deidre Caldwell did not know them.

The walls were a mix of weathered wood and uneven brick and stone. Additions had been made to the house over the years, some areas were clearly older than others. The central gable had a tall chimney with smoke coming out the top. The first floor had a large porch wrapped around the whole house. The second floor had four large window balconies, two on each side, floor to ceiling, French with intricate carvings along the arches and railings.

The front door was arched and made of wood stained a fine wine dark. It creaked almost musically as it opened and a butler in pristine black and white uniform stepped out. "Ms. Caldwell, I presume?" He asked. The smell of freshly rained grass assaulted Deidre's senses as she stepped out of her sensible Vauxhall Corsa. "You presume correctly." She replied with a small smile. The butler raised an eyebrow but did not otherwise comment as he took her long blue coat. Underneath she wore a simple navy blue pin skirt and a ruffled olive-green blouse.

The front door, large and imposing opened to reveal an ornate marble staircase , leading to the left and right wings. At the point of divergence was a painting of a blonde long haired man in soldier's regalia. The butler took his place next to a lovely painted vase with cornflowers. "Presenting Dr. Decadence Montgomery." He introduced . The woman who walked down the staircase was ill suited to her name, dressed in combat boots and active wear. She did however appear true to her occupation. "Dr. Montgomery, the famous archeologist. Your name precedes you." Deidre joked, her eyes twinkling. Even in denim and flannel, Decadence was right at home with the other opulent things around her.

"I could say the same to you." Her voice was soft but highly educated. Her movements precise and elegant. Despite her clothing she couldn't hide her scent of old-money and lavender. "Come we'll talk further in my study." She turned around and walked back up the stairs. She suddenly stopped and turned to the butler "Oh Niels, some tea please."
"Already on it ma'am." Niels bowed.

The tea was served on fine china with blue lilies. Dr. Montgomery's study was covered in archeology memorabilia. All kinds of interesting artefacts and pictures of expedition teams. There was a carved wooden headdress with colorful feathers to Deidre's right. Dr. Montgomery saw her eying the piece. "It is a Ci Wara headdress of The Bamana people of Mali. It was a gift given to me on my latest expedition. Do you like it?"

Deidre set down her tea with a soft click. "What I would like is to talk about why you called me." Dr. Montgomery's eyes gleamed. "Right down to business? Forgive the cliche but I like that in a woman." She smiled. "You said you were worried about your husband." Deidre continued. "Ex-husband." Dr. Montgomery corrected. Deidre's eyes narrowed. Dr. Montgomery's face and posture gave nothing away.

Dr. Montgomery sighed and put down her cup. "I'm sure you've heard the scandal or at least read the news."
Deidre adjusted her glasses. "I have not. I would prefer to hear the story from you, Dr. Montgomery."
"Please call me Decadence." Decadence seemed surprised. "If that is what you'd prefer I'll give you the facts as such. I was not young when I married my husband but I was in love. We were friends even before we pursued any romantic notions. We were inseparable, Gordon, I and his brother Wilson." Decadence paused. "It was years later I learned they were both in love with me."

Deidre listened attentively. "And then?" Decadence looked her in the eye, her posture just the slightest bit defensive. "I had never wanted children and I told Gordon as such. He agreed until a few years ago." Decadence slumped in her seat. "He started talking about adoption and 'the pitter patter of little feet' and other such nonsense. She made air quotes with her fingers. "Naturally we fought and, as the papers are found of saying, I ran into his brother arms. In "karmic retribution", I found myself pregnant with twins." More Air quotes.

Decadence rubbed her temples. "Gordon agreed to a fuss free divorce with half his money as settlement if I agreed to have the babies. I agreed on the condition that I'll always have a place at Sallow mansion in between my expeditions." She looked at Deidre now, waiting.
Deidre smiled. "Do you expect me to judge you?" Decadence once more appeared taken aback but then she returned the smile "A little bit, yes." Deidre finished her tea. "Please continue."

"I had two boys, Leon and Merlin." Decadence appeared genuinely proud. "I'm a big fan of the Arthurian legends." Her face turned serious again. "We later found out Leon was sired by Gordon and Merlin by Wilson." "Did your husband resent you?" Deidre asked. "On the contrary, It brought us back together. Children have a way of rearranging your priorities." Decadence sounded nostalgic. "Make no mistake, I am more like the aunt who visits once in a while than a mother."
Deidre nodded. "You said you were suspicious of the nanny?"

"Shortly after I had the twins, my mother in law fell ill and needed care. We found someone capable of caring for both babies and my mother in law. His name is Adler Firenze, his ethnicity is of the rare mix of Indian-Korean. He is efficient, patient with my mother in law and caring with the twins. Gordon and Wilson consider him an invaluable addition to the household." Decadence closed her eyes. "Which is why, about a month ago they changed their wills to state that in the event that something should happen to them, Firenze will be granted legal guardianship over the twins and their inheritances."

Deidre considered this information. "You said on the phone that strange things have been happening." "Yes." Decadence said, her voice dropping to a near whisper. "Firenze has been with us for ten years tomorrow and until now there has been nothing to suspect but I just can't shake the sense that something's wrong. It started small. Things easily dismissed in the chaos of a house with two young, hyperactive children."

She leaned forward, her eyes intense. "But then Gordon, who is not the clumsy sort, fell down the stairs and broke his arm. Wilson, who doesn't drink and is an excellent swimmer nearly drowned in the fountain outside. And my mother in law, she's had several 'episodes' that required hospitalization. They're all being attributed to her age or coincidence but I don't believe it. And this all started a month ago after the brothers changed their wills." She pointed at the table as if you say 'what do you think of that?'.

"And you suspect Adler Firenze?" Deidre asked, her voice calm and her posture prim. She hadn't moved beyond drinking her tea during the whole triad.

Decadence nodded. "He's always there. Always efficient. He's become indispensable and I can't help but feel that's exactly what he intended. Did you know he doesn't even eat with the other servants? He eats with the family at the dinning table! I mean the nerve!" A little bit of rich girl bled in through the intellectual. "Gordon and Wilson trust him implicitly. The boys adore him. They see him as a godsend, a gift. But I... I see something else. Something calculated. Something... predatory."

"And you believe he orchestrated these events to gain guardianship of your sons?" Deidre prompted, her gaze unwavering.

"I don't know." Decadence fiddled with her hands, her voice laced with anxiety. "But as I said I can't shake the feeling that something is wrong. If something does happen to Gordon and Wilson, Firenze will have... everything.

Deidre considered the facts and opinions conveyed to her. She knew the Sallows were worth quite a bit of money. Their name meant something, even to her. "Okay, then." She said. "What's your plan?"

Her plan apparently was to invite Deidre to her sons' tenth birthday party. The party wasn't as grand as it could be considering the Sallows wealth. There were games and balloons and two cakes, one a car and one a dinosaur, and lots of children running about, playing, laughing. It was all very distracting.

Managing all the festivities was Adler Firenze or 'Addie' as the twins called him. He was a beautiful man with auburn hair and caramel skin, but not handsome. His movements were delicate and his smile sweet and charming but not boyish. He was as, Deidre's Agatha Christie books would say, "A Lovely Little Thing". It was quite discomforting seeing such a personality in a man and Deidre considered herself the progressive type.

At first glance, you could tell that the twins, constantly tugging at Firenze's attention were fraternal. One had curly blonde hair like his father and the other had dark straight locks like his. "I take it that's Leon and that's Merlin." Deidre said to Decadence, pointing at the dark haired one and the blonde respectively. Decadence burst out laughing. "Actually the blonde is Leon and the dark haired one is Merlin." "But their fathers.." Deidre continued, confused. "... Made the same mistake." Decadence interrupted. "Oh, it was hilarious. Gordon sent in for a DNA test cause Leon looked like Wilson, only to find out Merlin wasn't his son, biologically.

Deidre turned back to the twins while Decadence mingled with the parents, wine in hand. They were opening presents now, Leon was rapidly tearing open his gifts, spewing wrapping paper everywhere while Merlin calmly peeled off the tape and placed the folded paper beside him. The problem arouse when Leon finished with his gifts and demanded Merlin hurry up with his. It evolved into a fight which dissolved into tears. Deidre watched closely to see what Firenze would do.

He crept up behind the boys, his face a mask of concern and with strength contrasting his seemingly delicate frame, picked up each boy in each hand and effortlessly tossed them in the air. Deidre was taken aback. Leon and Merlin weren't small for their age. The boys forgot their squabbles in the joy of being momentarily weightless. with a gentle "Go play' from Firenze, they ran off to join their friends but not before kissing "Addie" on the cheek. It was all very cute and some mothers even cooed.

Deidre made up her mind. I must speak to him, she thought. She started making her way over to the man when something stopped her in her place. Or more accurately someone. The women who ran into Firenze's arms was none other than Aphrodite Blake.

Deidre and Aphrodite had been rivals at Scotland yard during their initiation days. They were constantly bidding to outdo each other. They had been two ambitious women, vying for respect and recognition in a male-dominated world. Until Aphrodite married her American husband and moved to America destroying any respect Deidre had for her in the process. Deidre moved to hide but it was too late, Aphrodite had seen her.
"Deidre? Deidre Caldwell?"
"Aphrodite" Deidre couldn't manage to all together hide her wince. Aphrodite threw her arms around Deidre. She always had been a big hugger. "Oh Woah! How long as it been?" She squealed. "Not long enough." Deidre said. Aphrodite laughed and punched her arm. "Oh you! Still as prickly as ever I see." Her white dress with intricate gold designs flowed with her movements. Firenze poked at her arm.

"Oh!" Aphrodite exclaimed. "This is Adler, he's my best friend from university! He invited me." Deidre sniffed at the air. "What is that?" She asked, referring to the strange scent in the air. "It's Castor oil." Firenze replied. "Keeps the pimples away." Indeed he did have flawless skin.
"Oh! What are you doing at his kid's birthday party?" Aphrodite asked.
"Not his kids, the Sallows's children." Deidre corrected. Aphrodite's eyes narrowed. "I see." She turned to Firenze. "Excuse me Darling, I need to have a chat with this one." Firenze nodded his smile unwavering." Of course." He stepped back, his eyes following Deidre and Aphrodite as they moved through the crowd. There was something in his gaze, a subtle intensity, that Deidre found very unnerving. He was watching them, she realized with a shiver.

Aphrodite took them to a secluded corner. But before she could say whatever she wanted to, a crash and the sound of someone being violently ill interrupted her. They went with the crowd to investigate. They found Gordon Sallow vomiting bloody bile onto the floor, his brother Wilson kneeling beside him, patting his back. "Someone call an ambulance." Wilson cried. Nearby Firenze was trying to herd the children away from the scene. Deidre pulled out her phone and started dialing.

"Looks like ricin poisoning." The Paramedics at the scene told Deidre after she flashed her badge. "We'll be taking him to Landover Hospital. Does any of the family want to come with?" "I'll go!" Wilson said and got in the ambulance. He clutched his brother's hand. "You'll be just fine, big brother." He spoke more to himself. "Take care of the kids Addie!" He called out before the medics closed the ambulance doors. The ambulance sped away as Firenze called back "Absolutely, Mr. Sallow."

The crowd scattered, parents clutching their children close, saying their goodbyes and leaving dejectedly. What was once a lively occasion had turned somber and uncertain. The twins stuck close to Firenze's side as they dragged their feet back inside, heads resting against his legs. Decadence followed the trio, clearly fuming, her steps sharp and determined.

Aphrodite stopped Deidre from following. "My gut is telling me you're here for the same reason I am." She said.
"You are?" Deidre was surprised. "So you know about the incidents and the will?"
Aphrodite nodded. "I know about all of it. Since we're here for the same reason why don't we work together?"
Deidre looked back to where Decadence had disappeared. Firenze might prove to be too much to tackle alone. "Alright." Deidre said, her voice firm. " We'll work together."

She strode into the house without turning back to see if Aphrodite followed. They went back to the ballroom. Deidre went over to Decadence. "Get the kids out of here." She whispered. Decadence nodded, her eyes wide. Deidre marched over to where Firenze was trying to distract the boys with their new toys. "Mr. Firenze." Deidre stated, flashing her badge. "You are a character of the new generation! But in all your siren allure and gentle easy to love demeanor, you have given yourself away! For all your androgenous charms, you are irrevocably a man because you like to inflict pain on those around you!"

Laughter, sharp and clear and this creature who had till now seemed so sweet and delicate stood up straight, and one noticed, revealed like the elusive killer at the end of every murder mystery novel, the lean indomitable back and the shinning predator eyes. The shoulders which had been patiently stalking from the shadows now rose to cage in its prey. All traces of the 'Lovely Little Thing' was gone and in its place all that was left was a savage intelligent beast.

The twins instead of running to their mother, hid in Firenze's legs. Firenze stood in front of them, snarling like a bear. Decadence tried to lure the children away but they weren't budging. Aphrodite blanched and suddenly dragged Deidre away. "What! What are you doing!" She screeched. Deidre blinked and then frowned. "Apprehending the suspect. What are you doing?"
Aphrodite clutched her head. "Apprehending the.... oh my God! Adler isn't the suspect." "What! of course he is. I though you said you knew everything?"
"Yeah, I do. I know how jealous Decadence has been that the Sallows changed their will to give the kids to Adler!"
"Why would Decadence be a suspect! She's the one who invited me!"
"Well Adler's the one who invited me!"

The two of them huffed, exhausted from their shouting match. From the ballroom you could hear a child crying. "Look." Deidre wiped the seat from her brow. "Adler's the one who reeks of castor oil. Ricin is a highly potent toxin produced in the seeds of the castor oil plant."
"That doesn't mean anything." Aphrodite pulled out her phone. "Did you know Decadence just got back from West Africa. They found Ricin tipped arrows in the Border Caves there." She held out a news article.
Deidre bated the phone away. "That's even more unlikely."
"Why don't we check the CCTV cameras to see what made Gordon sick before jumping to conclusions." Aphrodite compromised. "Fine." Deidre acquiesced sheepishly.

The CCTV cameras showed that all Gordon had was a glass of wine. Wine, Adler had acquired from the cellars and Decadence had poured. "Well that got us nowhere." Aphrodite groaned. "Wait! Look at this." Deidre exclaimed. On the grainy screen, an elderly women in an electronic wheelchair bumped into Gordon, spilling the wine. They both laughed it off. The elderly lady took the bottle from Decadence and the glass from Gordon and poured some more wine. Aphrodite and Deidre watched as she put something in the glass, out of sight from everyone else. "Mrs. Sallow did it!" Aphrodite exclaimed. "But why?" Before Deidre could reply, they both jumped as a gunshot rang out from the ballroom.

Mrs. Sallow had shot Adler, who was bleeding on the ground. He was still trying to soothe Leon and Merlin. "It's okay. Don't c-cry. I'm okay." He stuttered out. "D- don't look. Close y-your eyes."
Decadence had her head in her hands in the corner.
Mrs. Sallow was yelling." I'll never let my son marry someone like you!" Her eyes were wide and crazed. Two more shots rang out before Aphrodite tackled her to the ground and swiped the gun away.
Deidre ran to Adler's side and put pressure on his wound. Leon and Merlin were wailing over him. Adler's eyes were teary but he still smiled at the children. "I- it's okay. Don't look. Ev-verything will be fine."

The Sallow case ended with zero casualties and one incapacitation. Due to Mrs. Sallow's age and degrading mental faculties she was declared unfit for prison and was sent to a detention facility for the criminally insane. Unlike her deluded assumptions neither of the Sallow brothers were having an affair with Firenze.
"So that's that, I suppose." Aphrodite clapped her hands together. "Do they still treat you like dirt at Scotland Yard." She bluntly asked. Deidre snorted. "Did you loose all sense of tact when you moved to America?"
Aphrodite chuckled. "No, but I did learn a little something called self-worth."
Aphrodite handed Deidre a card. "Charles and I started our own detective agency in America. If you feel like working somewhere you don't have to fight for every morsel of recognition, why don't you give us a call?"
Deidre looked down at the card in her hand with a little smile. "I'll think about it."

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Story is awesome...

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Enjoyed reading the story. Keep writing more. Best Wishes

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Story was exhilarating one... Enjoyed reading it. Suspense was closely guarded... Way to Go!!

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The story was exhilarating. Really enjoyed reading.. Suspense closely guarded throughout... Way to go!!!

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Superb short story. Looking forward to more amazing stories from this Author.

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The way each and every sequence is described is really good!

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A very well-written story! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. The author maintained suspense throughout, making the twist at the end completely unexpected.

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Interesing Story and Suspense Maintained till end.

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Great job...way to go

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Wow. Super narration

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Wow! Outstanding short story – Sallow Mansion!\nYour ability to bring ideas to life and immerse readers in the narrative is truly commendable. The suspenseful climax, reveal unexpected culprits, challenge assumptions about trust and ambition.\nBrilliant workβ€”keep it up!

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Well plotted. The suspense was maintained till the end with elaborate narration and storyline with twists and turns. Well done!!

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Very good narrative..enjoyed reading it

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Very good narrative style

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Good read.... interesting twists.

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Good read.

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Very nice

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Well written... Keep up the good work

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Way to go girl

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This story is incredibly engaging, with a well-structured mystery that keeps the reader hooked from the very first line. The descriptions are vivid and immersive, especially the portrayal of Sallow Mansion, which sets a rich, atmospheric backdrop for the unfolding drama. \nOne of the strongest aspects of the story is how it weaves personal relationships into the central mystery. The complex dynamics between Decadence, her ex-husbands, and Firenze create compelling stakes that go beyond a simple crime investigation.\n Loved reading it!

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Very nice read

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Enjoyed reading the story! The build up and flow is quite impressive

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Quite an interesting story

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I enjoyed reading this. Well done.

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Engaging and well plotted story! Narration style and pace is good too. Best wishes!

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Well written

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Nice story

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Well written

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Well written Story

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Interesting and engaging story. The writing was detailed that I could visualize it. I was intrigued as to who hired Aphrodite. Baffled when I found it was Adler. That was sn O Henry twist

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The final twist was super clever and unexpected,what a gripping story❀️

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The final twist was super clever and unexpected,gripping story❀️

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Well written story. I had an amazing time reading it. The style of narration adopted by the author is so convincing that it gave a graphic effect to the whole story.

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