
That Day, I travelled back in Time!
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Hello everyone, I am twenty six years old today. My parents died three years ago. I am not a graduate, because I failed ninth grade, and that made me quit the school thing. And, I have made up my mind to commit suicide! It will happen anytime soon. You might be wondering; what is the matter with me, right?

Lazy? Not good? Low IQ? Poor? Business minded? Parents not good?

None of the above is the right answer! I will tell you what happened, listen carefully, this will be hard to believe...

Ok, it was a Tuesday. Yes, I was studying in the ninth grade, fifteen years of age, and were doing final exams. I woke up that day, a little late, my parents were in the middle of getting ready for their jobs. I skipped bathe, brushed my teeth, put on my school uniform, ate bread omlette for breakfast, went out of the house to put on the school shoes...

Some bad cat, used my shoes for its waste disposal. Dang it! I still feels the anger! Anyway, I put on my home sandals, went to the bus stop, and because I was already late, squeezed my way into an overcrowded bus. It was one hell of a suffocating experience. Luckily, one old woman noticed my standing strangle, offered her lap to me. She was really nice, and had offered me a chocolate bar, it was a Snickers' bar, to be precise. I took it, with pleasure.

The old woman enquired me about my school stuff, and it was that moment I realised that what was the matter with me! I didn't know what exam I was going to write that day! Honestly, I feel pity for my ninth-grade self.

Finally, made my way into the school compound, that was empty except for the security and the principal madam. I tried to out run them but, the principal ran after me, offered three heavy blows with her sturdy stick. She had her explanations too: one for me being late, one for not wearing schools shoes, and the final one for not tying up my hair. That's that, entered the exam hall, the exam was almost past one hour.

The invigilator sir, surprised me with his soft behaviour, gave me the question paper along with one blank sheet. I took my seat, began reading the question only because of the invigilator's staring at me. It was like, he was enjoying my pitiable situation! What was that!

About the question paper, let's put away the fact that the exam was Physics. I didn't even know how to read those questions written in English language. Like every low IQ student, I had copied all the questions, and pasted them right into the blank sheet. Proud moment it was. The bell rang, the exam was over.

I headed home immediately, luckily I caught one less crowded bus, and in it, there was a street magician performing. He pulled a rabbit out of my school bag. Ok, I know I am being a little too much detailing with my narration. Trust me, it is necessary.

I got to my house, ate food, watched TV for a few hours; cartoon. Took a bathe, followed by a short nap. Night came, parents came. Father had exciting plans, we all went to the movie theatre. I was more than happy because, me and my parents going out was seldom.
Me and my parents went inside the movie hall, the movie started.
It was an english movie, but was intended for children and adults, and was in 3D. Cool, right? Yes, speaking animals, real like animations, top notch visual effects. The movie was great but, before the movie came to an end, something happened-
I was sitting next to a man, middle aged man, and he was holding his three or something years old baby, and them both were eating popcorns, handful of popcorn at once. All of a sudden; he began choking, the movie was at its climax, thunderstorm sound effects made the man's grasping for air unnoticed. After the movie came to its end; he received attention and was taken to the hospital. He was showing signs of life still in him.

Anyway, me and my parents returned to our home, slept peacefully. I was having Chemistry exam the next day. I woke up next day, and went to school, made my way into the exam hall. And, I was given the Physics question paper! At first, I thought he was mocking me, but all of the students were holding the Physics question paper.

Sorry, I had forgot to mention that, before I made into the exam hall; everything that happened on Tuesday, the day before, had repeated on this day as well: the bad cat's waste disposal in my shoes, the nice old woman gave me the candy bar, principal gave me three heavy blows, she was wearing the same yellow saree, the invigilator was wearing the same green shirt. And after the exam, I met the same magician in the bus.

I Went home, took nap, parents took me to movies. The middle aged man with his three year baby, was sitting next to me. I predicted the movie crystal clear, and was carefully observing the middle aged man. The time has come, the movie was reaching the climax. All of a sudden; I noticed that the three year baby was missing his small toy car.

I stopped the man from eating the popcorn, searched in it, found the toy car, size of two popcorns. He thanked me. Me and my parents went home. The day was over. Next day, I woke up, things were different, it was not the same Tuesday, the time travel stuff was over.
From that day, I was trying to find out the reason for my Time travelled day.

Finally, I came to realise that, I can't time travel again. I was betrayed, all these years, ten whole years, dedicated to unlocking the precious time travel. Wasted years of lifetime, trying to find nothing. What should I do! Now... Now, I think I have found it. I am watching the TV.

New prime minister taking the throne. He is the man I saved from choking; inside the movie theatre. I am getting frustrated! I was scapegoated? To save this man? What! What am I supposed to do now? I need money to live. Oh... Thank God. Thank you Sir. The new prime minister Sir has just announced, that a stipend of Ten thousand rupees for all unemployed people above twenty-five years of age. I have decided not to suicide...

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