They were bitter enemies from childhood. Sarah and Hanna. They LOVED to HATE each other. And as with many childhood rivalries their relationship was marred by sisterly and childhood jealousies And they were a study in contrasts. No two persons could be more different. They were poles apart. And as US President Donald Trump once said "You should have passion. Without passion there is no energy and without energy there is nothing". But, their passion only seemed to be fueled and channelized towards their pathological hate for each other. Would it ever be replaced by the lasting passion of friendship, peace and sisterly affinity and bond towards each other? That, however, seemed like an impossible, daunting and foreboding thought-like groping in the dark with no light at the end of the tunnel and the trolley of friendship kicked down the blind alley. Their childhood enmity over the long childhood and adolescent years carried over and spilled over into adulthood. Both were soon 21 years but nothing changed. Neither refused to bury the hatchet. And so things continued. Both seemed to be at the opposite ends of the spectrum with no prospect of coming together. The seemed to be no common meeting ground between them, no common turf. Then when both of them were 25 years both unknowingly to each other applied for a job in Deloitte, an auditing firm formerly known as Deloitte, Haskins and Sells and soon found each other face to face with