
The Treasure of Renaldis
Vedika Srivastava
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“Joseph renaldi was the youngest heir to the renaldi fortune. It is still a mystery as to where the fortune was hidden by his grandfather Michael renaldi but all the folktales say the same thing. It can only be opened by a renaldi. Nobody knows what it means or how big is the fortune exactly but it is said it was big enough to feed our whole town of Scandivania for a year!” , read the news. Joseph and Maya were holding the paper, shocked and bleeding.

Joseph and Maya have been married for 20 years now and had 2 beautiful children, a boy Michael and a girl Elle. They just rescued their children from the hands of the hands of the unknown assailants. They now understood why…

The morning before, Joseph was out for work while Maya, Michael and Elle were at their home. It was the summer break and both the kids were planning to go by the lake later that evening completely unaware of the fact that the next few hours will change the course of their lives forever. A loud knock on the door startled the kids while Maya was back in the kitchen garden outside. Michael ran to open the door thinking his dad was back from home early.

That’s when they barged in. 3 masked men. Who are they? What do they want? ..the kids thought to themselves scared. Just when they were about to call out their mom, 2 of the men closed their mouths and started dragging them to the van. Maya entered the room humming her favourite tune and froze. She started screaming and running towards the van to save her children. That’s when the third guy attacked her and she lost consciousness.

Slowly her eyes opened. Her head was hurting bad. Coming back to her senses she looked around. To her horror, it was Joseph. Both their hands were tied. The third assailant was at the driver’s seat but he wasn’t driving. The car was a standstill. It was raining heavily and the windows were blurred. “ They took our kids Joseph!!! Who are they! Where are the kids?”, Maya started shouting. Joseph tried to calm her down. He had been asking the same questions but the assailant didn’t say a word. He offered everything he could but not even a nod to his questions. Where did they take the kids then and why?

Michael and Elle, found themselves tied to what looked like an old alter at a broken chapel. It looked like it was being renovated as they could hear murmurs from far across. “ What’s this all about Elle, I’m scared!” , said Michael. “ Don’t you worry little brother, I’m gonna get both of us out!”, Elle said while trying to loose the rope. Suddenly, she remembered. It was the same knot she was taught to open at the camp a week ago. Twist your hand, make a V shaped, move around and pull back. Voila! She was able to get herself and Michael out. They tiptoed out of the room to find a long set of stairs. On the right was a dark room with a small door. Small enough to fit a child only. The door was open and inside was dark. The wooden plate on the top read “ church minor”. On the left were 2 fleet of stairs all going to the outside of the building. They suddenly saw an old lady towards the end on her way out. She looked familiar. “ It can’t be her”, said Michael. It was their aunt Clarrise. She was removed from the family long back and the children saw only pictures of her. But, to their surprise it was her. She was behind all this? But why? . They waited for her to get out of the building and then started moving slowly towards the door. While moving down they saw a writing on the wall and were stunned. It said, “ The treasure of the church of Rune will reveal itself after the end of the renaldi children “.

This gave them a bleak idea about their questions. Who and why. They stepped out of the building and noticed a car towards the end of the road. It was still pouring. They shouted for help. Maya instantly recognized their voices. It was Michael and Elle. She started calling them out. Something unbelievable happened. The third assailant started turning around. Slowly, he removed his mask. It was Henry, Clarisse’s son. Joseph met him when they were young and never knew why he and aunt Clarisse were asked to leave. He spoke for the first time in so long. “ Read the newspaper tomorrow. You’ll know.”, and he opened the doors. Joseph and Maya ran towards their children and henry sped off.

It was wee hours of the next morning. They came home drenched, horrified and still in shock. There lied the morning newspaper!

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