Twist in the tale

By Swathi Kamath in Poetry
| 1 min read | 3,307 कुल पढ़ा गया | कुल पसंद किया गया: 9| Report this story

She went around looking desperately

Searching far and wide, in the land and sea.

Roamed in the streets, kept asking around,

"Have you seen my husband, has he been found?

He has been missing since days now."

The nights she spent without sleep

During the day she did weep

People pitied her; said, "she loved him a lot.

They were a perfect couple, they never fought.

How will she survive without him? Poor girl!"

That day when she returned to her place

A smile spread across her face

Closing the door behind , she said

"I am glad nobody could tell.

I guess I must have hid the body well!"

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