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Author Name: JAGENDRA RANA | Format: Paperback | Genre : Young Adult Nonfiction | Other Details

Insurance Industry is witnessing a growing trend in adopting alternate channels of distribution to fuel business growth. An innovative idea of distribution is the new mantra and insurers are aligning their business strategy in line with changing customer requirements and preferences. It is imperative for them to strike the right balance between traditional and modern models to survive for a longer period of time.

The reforms of insurance sector in India have posed a new challenge to bring insurance products into the lives of the common man, with a diverse set of people combined with problems of reaching in rural areas. Insurers require enormous distribution of products to reach out to such a huge customer base.

The touch point with the ultimate customer is the distributor and the role played by them in insurance markets is critical. Technology-led disruptive ideas are changing the face of business and the category per se is booming with new products being launched and the distribution network being expanded. This book is now more important than ever since it offers a holistic, long term approach on adoption of advanced distribution channels in the national and international insurance market inclusive of trends, innovations and prevailing practices to leverage the immense possibilities that lie ahead.



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Jagendra Rana graduated in LL.B from University Studies in Law, University of Rajsthan, Jaipur in 1980 with a Fellowship from Insurance Institute of India Mumbai in 1992.

Jagendra Rana is an insurance veteran with a versatile experience of General and Life Insurance. He has been a CEO of Pearl Insurance Brokers at Jaipur and Corporate head of training at Shriram General Insurance Co. Ltd. He carries with him 40 years of experience in the Insurance Industry at various top positions.

More than 500 write-ups of Mr. Jagendra Rana have been published in various Journals of National and International repute. He was conferred with the S.K.Desai Memmoral Award for his Research Paper by III Mumbai. He was also a resource person in the International Seminar on Insurance Frauds conducted by Osmaniya University, Hyderabad.

Jagendra Rana is presently a Counsellor for a US Firm extending consultations on Insurance, Reinsurance, Intermediaries, e-business and the developments taking place on the insurance horizon.

Drop a line anytime, whether it’s about a project, collaboration, feedback or just business-he’d love to hear from.  Thanks for stopping by!



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